Welcome to your
#Prehousewife Era, baby

Welcome to the space where we get real about what it takes to create and sustain thriving, high-caliber relationships and build a personal brand that commands attention. Here, we fuse neuroscience, psychology, somatic attachment therapy, branding strategy, and feminine and masculine energetics, with a touch of spirituality alongside system, funnels, and automation to guide you into your #prehousewifeera.Our transformative approach starts with mastering the relationship with yourself—unlocking the power to Alchemize both your love life and your brand. You'll magnetize the deep love, intimacy, and professional recognition you've been craving. This is where you step into your main character energy, attracting a high-value partner and creating a brand that stands out in your industry, aligned with your purpose and passion.

Ready to Feel Confident AF
& NAIL That First Date Look?!

Meet Laura Patricia Martin

Meet Laura Patricia Martin, the visionary force behind Healing to Happy and a true queen of funnels and systems. With a relentless drive to help ambitious women achieve both professional success and personal fulfillment, Laura has scaled her own business from $0 to $144K in just 9 months. This rapid ascent was fueled by her commitment to developing systems that allow women to build thriving businesses while enjoying the time freedom they originally sought as entrepreneurs.As a Dating & Branding Coach, Trauma, and Somatic Attachment Specialist, she brings a depth of knowledge honed through intensive study with world-renowned experts. Her expertise is not just academic—it's deeply personal. Having survived a 20's filled with deep trauma, she had no other choice but to build something entirely on her own.Her #PreHousewifeEra is not just a hashtag; it’s a movement.It’s for women who want to build empires without sacrificing their desire to be moms, partners, and well-rounded human beings. Laura’s unique mentoring style and authentic approach have made her a sought-after mentor and teacher in her field, guiding hundreds of women globally to transform their lives, both personally and professionally.With Laura’s guidance, women don’t just survive—they thrive, standing out in their industries, scaling their businesses, and creating the impactful, fulfilling relationships & lives they were always meant to lead.

Our guess is that you have done some work on yourself already but...

You're craving more connection, intimacy, love, and emotional security in your relationships—and the impact you make through your personal brand. But here's the reality: most of us were never taught how to build thriving relationships or create a personal brand that makes a global impact, all while leaving space to be a wife and mother (now or in the future).Our beliefs and expectations are shaped by our experiences, forming a "blueprint" for what we think love and success should look like. This can lead to frustration—whether it's unavailable men, relationships lacking intimacy, or feeling stuck in your brand, operating from a masculine, burnt-out place. You know you should be making more noise and stepping into a bigger role as a thought leader, but something keeps holding you back.Here’s the truth: you have the power to break this cycle and redefine love, success, and leadership in your life.Our mission is to help you transform both your relational and branding blueprint from the inside out. You’ll learn how to attract the love and intimacy you desire, while also becoming a thought leader who makes a global impact—without sacrificing the space to be a wife, mother, and visionary. This is where you step into your full power, making the noise you were born to make, and creating a life that aligns with the love and legacy you’ve always wanted.

Not sure where to start?

Well, you're in luck because Laura's a self-projector projector with a Libra sun & rising + Aquarius moon who LOVES to learn, teach, and create some epic experiences for her community of Internet BFF's...We have memberships, masterminds, group coaching, and 1:1 mentorship-- pick your path, baby.(Did we mention we have the most extraordinary women in the world in our spaces so you can meet your future soul crush of a BFF?)And if you haven't yet, get your cute little bum over to our Podcast where we interview some of the leading experts in the Trauma & Relational Space for you to get a weekly dose of soul-medicine.You can find links for everything below.